One of the memories that will definitely last for the books: we were on our way to our buffet dinner (you HAVE to in Vegas right?) and as I was walking in my new dress and super-cute-wanna-be-wicker wedge heels my ankle twists, cracks, and I fall to the ground in front of everyone in front and behind us. GREAT, JUST GREAT.
First of all, I was wearing a dress and falling in a dress is never pleasant. Second of all, I twisted my ankle so much that I heard 2 loud cracks and it bent so far that I felt like my foot and my leg were perpendicular to each other. It took me a good minute to get up...MORTIFIED!!!!
Well, cheers to making memories. I guess bad memories are still memories! Here are some of my always amateur photos of the trip.

Here's a nice blurry picture of Charlie and I.

Our "Central Park Omelet" and Sundae from Serendipity 3.

And finally, the original of my dad's car -- the RS200. This car was displayed at "The Auto Collections" at Imperial Palace. It sat alongside many classic cars in a huge showroom. Imagine, 0-60 in 2.1 seconds! One of the first things Charlie said he wanted to do was go visit the showroom. Him and my dad share a love of cars that I can only try to understand. My dad is such a huge fan of this unique car that he has a replica sitting in his garage. This one's for you, Dad.
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